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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)

Public·12 members

Trevors Hardin
Trevors Hardin

Generals Zero Hour Reborn The Last Stand V5.0 Trainer

With Zion felled, human and Machine resistance forced to stand down, and a new leader forging a path for the survivors, but who might that be? In Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour: The Last Stand, the most epic battle so far of the 3rd Generals War rages for control of a city under assault by the newly risen Nazi-Machine for control of Humanity. Players will lead a new military unit and make their choices, and use cover and fire, to survive the onslaught as the last human soldier in Zion.

generals zero hour reborn the last stand v5.0 trainer


Zion has fallen, and the human forces of Zion have retreated, but the machines are on their way. Resistance is underway, and the Machines are determined to put an end to it. Play as one of Zion's last remaining soldiers, and find out the fate of humanity in the new expanded Generals Battle Pack: The Last Stand.

Go to the Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour folder (usually in My Documents) and open the Skirmish Stats. Go to the money and delete the amount there and type in this amount: 1000000000000000000000000; that's twenty-four zeros. Save the file. Either do this before you go into the game from your desktop, or after the EA game video and the start video before you click on solo play, and when you start a game at least one opponent will die almost instaneously. This is especially good for beating every map against the maximum number of hard opponents and earning the medal that corresponds with that achievement.

Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour Developer EA Los Angeles Aspyr Media (Mac port) Publisher Electronic Arts MacSoft (Mac port) Composer(s) Bill Brown Mikael Sandgren Series Generals Universe Latest version 1.04 (Windows) 1.1.2 (Mac Deluxe Edition ) Release date Windows: BR19 September 2003 NA22 September 2003 UK/DE26 September 2003 FR2 October 2003 ES10 October 2003 Macintosh:


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